Release notes
July 2022
Posted 2022-08-01
Updated 2024-11-21
Amongst other improvements, this month we’ve been working on the next version (v2) of our API and we’ve also delivered Developer Portal fixes. Learn more about the details below!
Fixes and improvements
- TH (Thailand) – We offer now the English translated version of the address (via Microsoft Bing) on top of the address in original language.
- BE (Belgium) – The API version of the primary source has been upgraded. Now we are using the latest services, as offered by the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (‘CBE’).
- AT (Austria) – We have fixed an issue related to the Grundbuch connection – from now on a proper message is delivered when the particular property can not be found in the registry.
- US – New changeType is available within the perpetual KYC (monitoring) service: the changeType AGENT can also be used: if subscribed, we will send notifications if any details of the agents has been changed.
- We’ve made improvements on our Sandbox accounts: Monitoring services can be tested through on the free Sandbox plans!
Data quality upgrades
- MY (Malaysia) – We have fixed an issue regarding the C prefix within the Malaysian registration number. Now, the live search works with and w/o the C prefix.
Developer Portal improvements
- We are proud that more and more of our clients have started using the developer portal. Their feedback, sent in the recent weeks, is also very valuable to us.
- In July we could manage to deliver fixes mainly for the Console page. We have also fixed a bug related to the child-users feature: these users can now see the applications of the related parent-account.
- For a simplified access to our prices, we’ve created a new route that will always contain the up-to-date KYC API price-list. It can be reached at: https://kompany.com/kycapi/pricelist
Coming next
- Next month we plan to release a new country integration: BR (Brazil)
- Also we are going to work on enhancements for
- CN (Canada)
- LU (Luxembourg) and
- MT (Malta)
A new enhanced version of the KYC API is in the making
- Our API in the current version (v1) is the result of growing functionalities and coverage built up over the last years. We have seen that the time has arrived for general improvements of our API.
- In the recent and upcoming months our team has been and is working on the next version of the KYC API, which will be available for the wider audience by end of year. We will be announcing detailed information & updates in the months to come.
- With the new version of the KYC API we will be able to provide improved data quality, a consistent “easy-to-follow” endpoint structure, more stable data retrieval from live jurisdictions with trackable history of user activities, and so much more.
- The current API version (v1) will continue to work, backwards compatibility being assured. But nonetheless, the KYC API v2 will bring big improvements to allow faster integration and maximize the usage of all our data endpoints and products
- We keep you posted on developments!